molybdenium (Mo)

molybdenium (Mo)

Term: molybdenium (Mo)
Literally meaning: ?pertaining to lead?
Origin: Anc Greek
In 1778, Swedish chemist Carl Wilhelm Scheele (1742-1786) claimed that molybdena (MoS2)  was an ore of a distinct new element, named molybdenum  and molybdena might not be confused with lead like ores (graphite, galena). Peter  Swedish chemist Peter Jacob Hjelm (1746- 1813) successfully isolated it in 1781.
Molybdenium is a chemical element with atomic number 42 and atomic mass 95.96.  It is a silvery-grey metal that is used mainly in metallurgical applications such as alloying agent in the steel. Another application is the production of electrodes because of its high melting point.

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