molybdenium (Mo)
Term: molybdenium (Mo)
Literally meaning: ?pertaining to lead?
Origin: Anc Greek
In 1778, Swedish chemist Carl Wilhelm Scheele (1742-1786) claimed that molybdena (MoS2) was an ore of a distinct new element, named molybdenum and molybdena might not be confused with lead like ores (graphite, galena). Peter Swedish chemist Peter Jacob Hjelm (1746- 1813) successfully isolated it in 1781.
Molybdenium is a chemical element with atomic number 42 and atomic mass 95.96. It is a silvery-grey metal that is used mainly in metallurgical applications such as alloying agent in the steel. Another application is the production of electrodes because of its high melting point.
Barium (ba)
Term: barium (Ba)Literally meaning: ?pertaining to heavy?Origin: Anc Greek?????/varys(=heavy) The element was called barium because it is found in baryte(BaSO4), a mineral which had been given its name because of its high Coined/History Barium...
Selenium (se)
Term: selenium (Se)Literally meaning: ?pertaining to moon?Origin: Anc Greek??????/selene(=moon) Coined/History Selenium was named by Swedish chemist Jons Jacob Berzelius in 1817 ((1779-1848) when he noticed that selenium is...
Manganese (mn)
Term: manganeseLiterally meaning: ?pertaining to magnitis?Origin: Anc Greek The name derived from Greek toponym (a prefecture in modern Greece) Magnesia as Manganese and Magnesium were abundant in ores in this region (Magnitis lithos,...
Chromium (cr)
Term: chromium (Cr)Literally meaning: ?petaining to color?Origin: Anc Greek?????/chroma(=color) > ??????/chripto(=touch or anoint)Coined/HistoryThe element was discovered in 1797 by French chemist Nicolas .L. Vauqkelin(1763-1797) in the mineral...
Chlorine (cl)
Term: chlorine (Cl)Literally meaning: ??Origin: Anc Greek??????/cloros(=green-yellow)Coined/History Although sodium cloride was known since ancient times it was not until in 1630 when Belgian physician Jan Baptist van Helmont obtained...