

?????/mania (=combining form meaning passion, forse, mania, enthusiasm, frenzy) > ?????/menos(=life, vigor)

In Psychology mania is defined as the state of abnormally elevated or irritable mood in a period of time of seven or more days, where the mood is not causedby drugs or a medical illness. 

Sourse: American Psychiatric Association's diagnostic manual. 

In Greek Mythology Mania was the personification of insanity.
In Roman and Etruscan mythology Mania was the goddess of death and mother of ghosts, undead and spirits of the night.

- Lithium (li)
Term: lithium (Li)Literally meaning: ?pertaining to stone?Origin: Anc Greek?????/lithos(=stone, rock)Coined/History  The element was named in 1817 by Sweeden chemist Johan August Arfvedsen (1792-01-12)  when analysing petalite  (LiAlSi4O10)...

- Thanatomania
Term: thanatomania Literally meaning: ?a suicidal mania or craze for dye? Origin: Anc Greek???????/thanatos(=death) >  ??????thnesko(=dye) > ?????/theino(=smite, kill)-?????/ -mania (=combining form denoting passion,...

- Thanato-
Term: thanato-Anc Greek : ???????/thanatos(=death) >  ?????/theino(=smite, kill)A combining form  denoting ?death? in compound words like :thanatomania, thanatoid, thanatophobia  History Thanatos in Grek mythology was a minor daemon...

- Psychosis
Term: psychosisLiterally meaning:Origin: Anc Greek????/psixhi > ????/psicho (= blow, breath). A psyche in mythology means a butterfly or the soul, spirit, breath and  life. +(-????)/-osis(=suffic denoting  process)Coined/HistoryThe word ''psychosis''...

- Geriatrics
Term: geriatrics Origin: In an article headlined ?Geriatrics? in the New York Medical Journal in 1909, Nascher wrote that the word geriatrics is from the Greek word ?geras, meaning old man, and iatrikos, relating to the physician....? In Greek mythology,...

