Homework and test date

Homework and test date

Please make sure that you have a detailed, clear labelled diagram of the flower that you dissected and you have completed table 1 of the data. In addition please make sure that you have answered the analysis questions in detail. You also need to continue with your revision for your test which is on tuesday. Please bring the 'repoduction in flowering plants' packet and the packet on Mendel to Monday's lesson.

Remember the test on reproduction is on Tuesday

- Homework
Please finish all the questions on the Mendel sheet. I will collect it on tuesday after academic travel, but please do it as soon as you can and don't leave it till the last minute. Remember your answers must be clear, detailed and well presented....

- Homework
Homework is to finish the questions, with each answer neatly presented, clearly showing the genotype and phenotype of the parents and offspring. The punett square cross needs to be also shown clearly. You also need to start revising for your test...

- Homework
Remember the homework for tomorrow is to finish the worksheet on blood groups that I gave you. Please make sure that your answers are neat, clear and detailed. In tomorrows lesson we will do some more on genetic crosses, you may bring your computer as...

- Homework
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- 4/23/14
Today we took the test and I got a 93 which I'm pretty proud of myself. Then we checked on out plants and my plant is 7 inches and has sprouted its first flower bud. It also has 4 leaves. Then we had to make a virus foldable that I have to finish...

