Homework- The ethics of genetic screening
Genetic screening already allows us to detect certain genetic disorders and the sex of an embryo or the fertilised egg in IVF treatment. As genetic testing progresses it may enable us to detect lots of characteristics. This raises the ethical question of whether it is morally right for us to determine the characteristics of an unborn child using screening and IVF treatment. One can see the advantage in being able to detect genetic diseases in an unborn child or fertilised egg, but that raises very difficult questions about how we act with this information. Some people feel that we should never abort a foetus.
Please research about genetic screening and the moral issues. Then write about one side on this issue. This needs a little time so you can hand it in on Friday. Obviously no cut and paste is allowed, I want to read about your views not someone else?s. The following link to a news article on the BBC is a start for your research.
Genetic Screening
Genetic screening BBC link
Topic Summary
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Your Genes