hematology or haematology

hematology or haematology

Term: hematology or haematology
Literally meaning: ?about blood?
Origin: Anc Greek
-?????/logia(=logy, suffix meaning ?study of?, ?speech?, ?discourse?) > ???/leo (=speak).
Hippocrates (460 BC ? ca. 370 BC) first reffered to humoral theory about b?dy liquids that are in balance (health) or in excess or deficiency (illness).  In 1628 English phycisian William Harvey(1578 ?1657) inroduced the concept of systemic circulation.  In 1942 Dutch scientist Antonie Philips van Leeuwenhoek distinquished blood cells constructing a microscope. In 1818 English obstetrician James Blundell (1791?1878 performed the first succeful transfusion of human blood to aptient.


Hematology is the branch of medicine dealing with the study of blood, the blood-forming organs as bone marrow, and blood diseases.

- Pathology
Term: pathologyLiterally meaning: ?study of a disease?Origin: Anc Greek????-/patho-(=prefix denoting ?suffering?) > ????? / pathos(=passion, sorrow, strong emotion)+(-?????)/-logia(=logy, suffix meaning ?study of?, ?speech?, ?discourse?) > ???/leo...

- Nephrology
Term: nephrologyOrigin: Anc Greek??????/nephros(=kidney)???/neo or ?????/nasso(=to fill, to overflow) ?????/logos(=word, speech, discourse, reason)>-?????/-logia(=logy, study of)CoinedHippocrates (460 BC ? ca. 370 BC) was the first who used uroscopy...

- Lymph
Term: lymph Origin:  Anc Greek ?????/nymph(=in Greek Mythology, nymphs are minor female deities protectors of springs, mountains, and rivers). Nymph  via Latin passed as lympha  (?water, water nymph?). Coined: In 1622 physician Gaspare...

- Microbiology
Term: microbiology Origin: Anc Greek ??????/micros(=small) + ????/bios(=life) + ?????/logy(=study of ) Coined: by French chemist Louis Pasteur (1822 ?1895)  from term ?microbe? introduced in 1878 by French surgeon Charles Emmanuel Sedillot (1804-1883)....

- Spleen
Term: spleen Origin: Anc Greek  ? ????? /spleen (=spleen) > ????????/splahnon (=vincera) > ????? /pleko (=knit). Latin this root became lien afer losing its initial sp Definition: a vascular lymphoid organ, lying in the human body to...

