

Term: hamartoma

Origin: Anc Greek
???????/hamartia(=sin, quilt, crime, pity)
-???/oma(=complete set of, or a condition.)
The Greek word "hamartia" is translated in medical terminology as a ?failure? meaning a tumor formed from malformed rather than truly malignant cells. 

Ahamartoma is a benign tumor consisting of a disorganized tissue mass of surrounding tissues. A hamartoma resembles to a neoplasm but it grows at the same rate as the normal cells of tissue. They are most often asymptomatic and undetected.

- Angiosarcoma
Term: angiosarcomaLiterally meaning: ?growth of vessel?s flesh?Origin: Anc Greek??????/aggio (=vessel, receptacle) > ?????/aggos(=tube)+ ????/sarx(=flesh) >genitive form ??????/sarcos+(-???)/(-oma)=suffix denoting state or condition of mass growth...

- Teratoma
Term: teratoma Literally meaning: ?unusual condition, monstrous tumor? Origin: Anc Greek?????/teras (=unusual occurrence or phenomenon, monster) +-???/oma(=complete set of, or a condition) Coined/Historyin 1863, by German physician Rudolf Virchow (1821-1905)...

- Phacomatosis
Term: phacomatosis (often called neurocutaneous syndromes) Literally meaning: ?tumor of lenses? Origin: Anc Greek?????/phacos(=lens, spot) >????/phaos(=light)+(-???)/-oma (suffix denoting ?mass growth? or a ?complete set of?) Coined/History    ...

- Liposarcoma
Term: liposarcomaLiterally meaning: a state of fleshy fatty massOrigin: Anc Greek?????/?????(=fat, grease) >????? > verb ?????/livo(=grease)????/sarx(=flesh) >genitive form ??????/sarcos+-???/-oma (suffix denoting state or condition of mass growth)Coined/HistoryLiposarcoma...

- Sarcoma
Term: sarcoma Origin: Anc Greek ????/sarx(=flesh) + -???/-oma(=suffix denoting state or condition especially a condition of mass growth) . Coined: by Galen (ca 130-200) who described sarcoma as a ? fleshy excrescence? with the appearance of raw meat (????)...

