

Term: gyrase
Literally meaning: ?the enzyme that breaks down rounds?
Origin: Anc Greek
?????/gyros(=round, curved)
+(-???)/(-asy)(=-ase) enzyme suffix added to the name of the substrate that the enzyme  hydrolyzes eg proteinase for protein or lipase for lipids
>???-/dia-(=prefix denoting ?through?, ?apart? )
> ???/dio(two) + ??????/stasis(=halt) > ??????/histimi(=stand).
DNA  gyrase  was  discovered  and  first  isolated  by  Gellert  et
al.  from  E.  coli.  It  has  been  further  studied  by  this  and
other  groups  and  has  also  been  isolated  from  Micro-
coccus  Zuteus.
Gellert,  M.,  Mizuuchi,  K.,  O?Dea,  M.  H.,  and  Nash,  H.  (1976) Proc.  Natl.  Acad.  Sci.  U.  S. A.  73,  3872-3876
Gyrase is the enzyme that unwinds the coiled  double-stranded DNA in order to relieve tension for helicase.

- Lipase
Term: lipaseLiterally meaning: ?the enzyme that breaks down lipids?Origin: Anc Greek+ ?????/?????(=fat, grease) >????? > verb ?????/livo(=grease)+(-???)/(-asy)(=-ase) enzyme suffix added to the name of the substrate that the enzyme  hydrolyzes...

- Catalase
Term: catalase Literally meaning: ?the enzyme that breaks down?Origin: Anc Greek????/cata(=prefix denoting ?down to? and sometimes ?against?)?????/lysis (=???/leo (break up, solve) à dissolution or a riot+ (-???)/(-asy)(=-ase) enzyme suffix added to...

- Proteinase K
Term: proteinase (or endopeptidase K) Literally meaning: ?that enzyme which separates proteins?Origin: Anc Greek+????????/proteini(=protein) > ??????/protos(=first or of prime importance) +(-???)/(-asy)(=-ase) enzyme suffix added to the name of the...

- Lyase
Term: lyase Literally meaning: ?enzyme of breaking down?Origin: Anc Greek???/leo =break down, solve, loose, degradate)+-???/-asy(=-ase) enzyme suffix added to the name of the substrate that the enzyme  hydrolyzes eg proteinase for protein or lipase...

- Helicase
Term: helicaseLiterally meaning: ?protein of unwinding helix?Origin: Anc Greek ??????/elisso(=twist, turn)  >     ?å???/helix(=helix, something spiral)+-???/-asy(=-ase) suffix added to the name of the substrate that the enzyme ...

