

Term: glaucoma

Origin:  An Greek ???????/glaucos(=bluish-green, gray) + ???/oma (=noun suffix used to denote  "marked growth). The Greek word for owl was also ?????/glaux.

ancient coin from Athens
Coined: The ancient Greeks coined the term glaucoma, which they used to describe all eye diseases that lead to blindness. In the first several centuries A.D., cataracts, which can be treated, started to be distinguished from glaucoma, which could not be amended.  

Definition: A group of eye disease which is the result of optic nerve damage leading to permanent and progressive vision loss or blindness. Glaucoma is due mainly to increases eye pressure.  

- Pyelonephritis
Term: pyelonephritis Literally meaning: ?inflammation of pelvis?Origin: Anc Greek??????/pyelos(=pelvis, basin)??????/nephros(=kidney)-?????/-itida (=-itis, suffix meaning ?pertaining to? or ?inflammation?.) It is feminine gender because it was used with...

- Alopecia
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- -oma
Term:-oma (plural ?omas but according Greek plural ?????  ?the plural type of   -omata is more correct) Origin: Anc Greek ????/oma (=suffix meaning "complete set of" or  a condition eg disease condition ) DefinitionNoun suffix...

- Atheroma
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- Eye Facts
We should never put anything in or near our eyes, unless we have a reason to use eye drops. We would only do that if our doctor or parent told us to use them.Blinking helps to wash tears over our eyeballs. That keeps them clean and moist. Also,...

