Term: genome
Origin: Anc Greek
?????/ genea(=generation) < ?????/geno (=give birth to)
In 1920 by German botanist Hans Winkler (1877 -1945) defined ?genome? as ?for the haploid chromosome set? in his his book Verbreitung und Ursache der Parthenogenesis im Pflanzen-und Tierreiche, (Verlag Fischer, Jena). Winkler wrote: As a botanist, Winkler must have been familiar with a host of -ome words like rhizome (the entire root system) or phyllome (the sum of leaves); all of which predated 1920. They share in common, the concept of -ome signifying the collectivity of the units in the stem.
The entire genetic material of eukaryotes contained in a haploid set of chromosomes
Joshua Lederberg and Alexa T. McCray 'Ome Sweet 'Omics, A Genealogical Treasury of Words"The Scientist 15[7]:8, April 2, 2001.
Ich schlage vor, für den haploiden Chromosomensatz, der im Verein mit dem zugehörigen Protoplasma die materielle Grundlage der systematischen Einheit darstellt den Ausdruck: das Genom zu verwenden
("I propose the expression
Genom for the haploid chromosome set, which, together with the pertinent protoplasm, specifies the material foundations of the species).
Chromosomal Aberration
Chromosomal aberration refers to a change in number of chromosomes, can occur on one, or several, or all of the chromosomes within a nucleus. This is cause by the failure of sister chromatids to separate during anaphase of mitosis or the failure of homologous...
Haploid Chromosome Number
For humans the haploid number of chromosomes is 23 because their diploid number is 46; haploid is the half of diploid. For humans only their gametes, or sex cells, are haploid. Haploid means that a particular cell has only one member of each homologous...
Term: genotypeLiterally meaning: ?genome type?Origin: Anc Greek?????/ genea(=generation) > ?????/geno (=birth to) >+?????/typos(=type, form, shape, appearance) > ?????/typto(=hit, stamp)Coined/HistoryIn 1905 by the Danish botanist Wilhelm Johannsen...
Term: sporophyteOrigin: Anc Greek ??????(=seed) > (=sow,) ????/phyto(=plant) > ???/phyo(=germinate)literally means "spore-bearing» note: the name of the classical Greek city ??????/Sparta is derived also from word ??????/spearo (=disperse)...
Term : Gene Origin: Anc Greek ?????/ genea(=generation) < ?????/geno (=birth to) Coined: Although the notion of a gene was began with Gregor Mendel?s work on pea plants (1866), the term gene was coined by Wilhelm Johannsen (1857 -...