Eye glasses

Eye glasses

Two dutch men created eye glasses with multiple lenses placed in a tube in 1590. The eye glasses made objects enlarged, creating the forerunner of the compound microscope and telescope. This helped us see objects appear very large then how we look at it with the naked eye.

- Electron Microscope
An electron microscope depends on electrons rather then light to view an object. Electron microscopes make it possible to view objects as small as the diameter of an atom. The electron microscope was invented in 1931....

- Microscope
Joseph Jackson Lister reduces the "chromatic effect" by showing that several weak lenses used together at certain  distances gave good magnification without making the image blurry. This helped people see things withou them being blurry. This was...

- Optometry
Term: optometryLiterally meaning:  ?measure of vision? Origin: Anc Greek/??/ops(=face, look, vision)??????/metron (=meausure) Coined/HistoryIt is suggested that the first spectacles were appeared in Italy during 13th cen. The first book about eye...

- Microscope
Term: microscopeOrigin:  An Greek ??????/micros(=small) + ??????/scopos(=aim, look at) Coined : Jansen and Jansen (1590), first produced a crude type of microscope by placing two lenses together without any provision for focussing. The Italian physicist...

- Eye Facts
We should never put anything in or near our eyes, unless we have a reason to use eye drops. We would only do that if our doctor or parent told us to use them.Blinking helps to wash tears over our eyeballs. That keeps them clean and moist. Also,...

