

Term: eosinophil (eosino-phil)
e?????/eosine(=eosin, a red fluorescent dye)
Anc Greek
>??? ? ???/ eos or Eos(=dawn or Greek Goddess of the Dawn )

+-?????/phileo(=-phil, combining form for ?love?, ?kiss?, ?have tenderness for?)
>????????/pilnamai(=to contact, to approach)
>?????/philia(=philia, combining form meaning ?affection? , ?friendship? or ?mutual love?.
Literally meaning : affinity to eosin a fluorescent dye resembling colors of dawn.
In 1879 by by German-Jewish scientist in the field of immunology and pathology Paul Ehrlich (1854 ?1915 who based on the affinity of eosinophil?s granules for acid staining.
Eosinophil is a granular leukocyte having a nucleus with two lobes stained by eosin or other acid dyes.

- Xenophilia Or Xenophily
Term: xenophilia (or xenophily) Literally meaning: ?affection for the strange or unknown? Origin: Anc Greek?????/xenos(=strange, foreigner)+?????/philia (=philia, combining form meaning ?affection?, ?friendship? or ?mutual love?) >?????/phileo (verb...

- Xerophile
Term: xerophile Literally meaning: ?tendency for dry conditions? Origin: Anc Greek?????/xeros(=dry)+?????/philia (=philia, combining form meaning ?affection?, ?friendship? or ?mutual love?) >?????/phileo (verb meaning  ?love?,...

- Syphilis
Term: syphilis Literally meaning: ?swine  love? Origin: Anc Greek???/sys(=sow, swine) +?????/philia (=philia, combining form meaning ?affection?, ?friendship? or ?mutual love?) >>?????/phileo (verb meaning  ?love?, ?kiss?, ?have tenderness...

- Parahemophilia
Term: parahemophilia Literally meaning: ?almost hemophilia/mild form of hemophilia? Origin: Anc Greek????-/para-(=pefix denoting intentification, ?beside?, ?near?, ?contrary of? ?side by side? ?past by?, ?beyond?) + ????/hema(=blood) +?????/philia (=philia,...

- Hemophilia Or Haemophilia
Term: hemophilia (Am) or haemophilia (Engl)Literally meaning: tendency or affinity to blood Origin: Anc Greek????/hema(=blood)?????/philia (=philia, combining form meaning ?affection?, ?friendship? or ?mutual love?). >?????/phileo (verb meaning  ?to...

