

Term: endemic

Literally meaning: ?native to?

Origin: Anc Greek
?????/demos(=people, crowd, land) >???/Dio(=the ancient Greek goddess of agriculture and harvests).

by Hippocrates (460 BC ? ca. 370 BC)

Endemic is an outbreak of infectious disease that is spreading through  a particular geography or area.

- Species Restricted To A Given Area Is Called
A) Sympatric B) Endemic C) Allopatric D) Sibling The correct answer is: B) Endemic...

- Panacea
Term: panaceaLiterally meaning : ?cure all?  or  ?all healing? Origin Anc Greek????????/panacea(=panacea)>  ?[á?/pan(=all) + /á???/acos (= therapy) Coined/HistoryPanacea Helping the Sick. by the Veronese physician J. Gazola (1716)  In...

- Pandemic
Term: pandemic Literally meaning: ?all people? Origin: Anc Greek???-/pan-(=all)?????/demos(=people, crowd, land) >???/Dio(=the ancient Greek goddess of agriculture and harvests). Coined/History(?) DefinitionPandemic is an outbreak of infectious disease...

- Psittacosis
Term: psittacosisLiterally meaning: ?state of a sick parrot?Origin: Anc Greek???????/psitaci(=parrot)+(-????)/-osis(=suffic denoting process)Coined/HistoryIn 1892 by Morange who investigated an outbreak in Paris in 1892. More than half of the avian carriers...

- Epidemiology
Term: epidemiologyOrigin:  Greek terms ???/epi(= upon, among) ?????/demos( = people, district) + ?????/logos( = study of,  discourse)Coined : The Greek physician  Hippocrates sometimes said to be the father of epidemiology as he was coined...

