

Term: empyema
Literally meaning:  ?suppuration, pus production?
Origin: Anc Greek
??-/en (= prefix meaning ?in?, ?into? or ?cause to be?)
+????/pyon(=pus) > ????/pytho(=rot, stink)
Empyema is the accumulation of pus and fluid  in a body cavity, especially the pleural cavity (around the lungs) mainly because of pneumonia.

- Hydrocele
Term: hydroceleLiterally meaning: ?a sac of water?Origin: Anc Greek????/hydor(=water)+????/kele(=hernia, swelling)Coined/History  Ancient Indian Surgeon Sushruta (800 BCE)  described  hydrocele and also how it be punctured and trapped...

- Pyogenic
Term: pyogenic (adj)Literally meaning: "suppurative"Origin: Anc Greek????/pyon(=pus) > ????/pytho(=rot, stink)+ -?????/-genis(=-genic, suffix denoting ?production of?) > ?????/geno (=birth to) >Coined/History(?)DefinitionPyogenic is a bacterial...

- Pyorrhea
Term: pyorrhea Literally meaning: ?pus flowing?Origin: Anc Greek????/pyon(=pus) > ????/pytho(=rot, stink)+ ???/roe(=stream, flowing) >verb ???/reo(=flow)Coined/HistoryDefinitionPyorrhea or periodontitis is a set of Purulent  and inflammatory...

- Pyonephritis
Term: pyonephritisLiterally meaning:Origin: Anc Greek????/pyon(=pus) > ????/pytho(=rot, stink)??????/nephros(-kidney)-?????/-itida (=-itis, suffix meaning ?pertaining to? or ?inflammation?.) It is feminine gender because it was used with feminine noun...

- Dropsy
Term: dropsyOrigin: Anc Greek?????/hydrops(=abnormal accumulation of fluid in a body cavity)Literally meaning: wateryCoined/History(?)Definition Dropsy is an old name for edema in humans describing the situation which was characterised by a swollen abdomen....

