Term: electrophoresis
Literally meaning: ?the act of bearing electrons?
Origin: Anc Greek
????????/electron(=amber) > ???????/helector(=shining light) > ?????/sun+ ???/ago(=to carry)
-???????/-phoresis > ?????/phoreo (=the act of bearing)
The first description of an electrophoric equipment was in 1937 in the paper ?A new Apparatus for Electrophoretic Analysis of Colloidal Mixtures? written by Arne Tiselius (1902 ? 29 October 1971). The equipment was finally developed in 1955 by British-born American geneticist and Nobel Laureate Oliver Smithies (1925- ) trying to separate insulin using moist starch grains which do not absorb proteins instead of moist filter paper of Kunkel and Slater in 1952. In his Nobel lecture in 2007 noted ? when I was a boy I sometimes helped my mother with the laundry, and remembered that the boiled starch she used for my father?s shirts set into a jelly when it was cold.?
Electrophoresis is the migration (or the equipment used for this) of electrally charged particles (such as proteins or nucleic acids) through a medium (gel or paper) under influence of an electric field.
#104 Separating Chlorophyll Pigments By Thin Layer Chromatography (tlc)
Chromatography is a method of separation that relies on the different solubilities of different solutes in a solvent. A mixture of chlorophyll pigments is dissolved in a solvent, and then a small spot is placed onto chromatography paper. The solvent gradually...
Electroencelograph (eeg) Or Encephalogram
Term: electroencephalography (EEG) and encephalogramLiterally meaning: ?image of electrical condition of the brain?Origin: Anc Greek/ç???????/electron(=amber) >???????/helector(=shining light) > ?????/helios(=sun)+ ???/ago(=carry)...
Term: amylaseLiterally meaning: ?the enzyme that catalyses starch ?Origin: Anc Greek??????/amylon(=starch) >?/a(privative, ?not?) + ????/myle(=millstone) because this hydrocarbonate (eg from potatoes) was not ground at the mill as bread flour...
-???????/-phoresis > ?????/phoreo (=carry, bear) + (-????) /(-esis=process, act) suffix meaning a "movement in a manner or medium" eg electrophoresis, diaphoresis....
Term: phoresisLiterally meaning: ?the act of bearing?Origin: Anc Greek?????/phoreo (=carry, bear)Coined/History (?) Definition(biol) Phoresis is a form of symbiosis in which the symbiont (the smaller phoront) is transported by its host without any...