Why is the environment such a hot topic right now? Why are we going to spent so much time learning about this topic?
Homework Remember you should have finished the questions on the Visking tubing experiment. If you have not already handed it in, please make sure that it is in my mail box today. You will have a test on Tuesday and we will have a review session...
What have you learned from your environmental issue? The topic you will be presenting on Monday....
What have you learned about your bio. technology topic?...
Deep Ecology
Deep Ecology Platform Deep ecology provides a fairly radical framework to analyze the relative position of humans on the planet. Basically, deep ecology requires that we view ourselves as just another species, not more important or less. It requires a...
Today we just went over notes and power points. We also discussed a lot and talked about some other off topic things that were pretty funny. We also have a major grade project due Monday and we have to watch a 2 hour video ughhhhh. ...