Easy Blog

Easy Blog

Lets do an easy blog today. What was something that you did over your first three day weekend?

- Missing Homework- Genetic Engineering
Please make sure that all of the following homework is handed in. If you were absent you still need to do it, it is essential that you have a complete set of work for your understanding of the topics. The following must be complete: Clipland questions...

- Homework
Homework Remember you should have finished the questions on the Visking tubing experiment. If you have not already handed it in, please make sure that it is in my mail box today.  You will have a test on Tuesday and we will have a review session...

- Summer Is Here
Hey since this is the last blog of this school year. Why don't you tell me one thing that you are going to do this summer?...

- Did You Know
Did you know that I do read the blogs and when you have typed the same words as someone else I don't believe that you typed it and I give credit to the first person and not to you. This is not a blog. I just wanted you to know I wanted your words...

- 1/22/14
Today we did a heart-rate lab and I met a new person named Tiffany. The lab was easy and interesting since I got to walk around the classroom. Also, Mrs.Tyrell showed us Tuger Salamanders that at just so cute...

