Comparison between dicot stem and monocot stem

Comparison between dicot stem and monocot stem

Dicot stem
Monocot stem
1.      Ground tissue is differentiated into cortex, endodermis, pericycle, stele and pith
Undifferentiated ground tissue
2.      Vascular bundles are limited in number and are arranged in a broken ring
Vascular bundles are numerous in number and are scattered in the ground tissue
3.      Vascular bundles are open
Vascular bundles are closed
4.      Collenchymatous hypodermis
Sclerenchymatous hypodermis
5.      Sclerenchymatous bundle cap is present
Bundle cap is absent
6.      Bundle sheath is absent
Sclerenchymatous bundle sheath  is present
7.      Protoxylem lacuna is absent
Protoxylem lacuna is present
8.      Secondary growth is present
Secondary growth is absent

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