

Term: chromatid
Origin: Anc Greek

?????*/chroma(=color)<???????? <????/hir(=hand) <??????/hripto(=touch or  anoint)
-????/idio(=-id, suffix that is used as diminutive of a noun )
The term introduced in 1900 by McClung (1779 ? 1848) who proposed the term ?chromatid? for each of the four threads making up a chromosome-pair at meiosis.
The individual and identical daughter-chromosomes (strand) into which each chromosome is divided in all nuclear divisions.

- Recombination Occurs By Physical Exchange Of Dna
KEY TERMS:Crossing-over describes the reciprocal exchange of material between chromosomes that occurs during prophase I of meiosis and is responsible for genetic recombination. A bivalent is the structure containing all four chromatids (two representing...

- #32 Summary Of Cell And Nuclear Division
1. Growth of a multicellular organism is a result of parent cells dividing to produce genetically identical daughter cells. 2. During cell division the nucleus divides first, followed by division of the whole cell. 3. Division of a nucleus to produce...

- # 29 Dna Structure
In the nucleus of each cell, the DNA molecule is packaged into thread-like structures called chromosomes. Each chromosome is made up of DNA tightly coiled many times around proteins called histones that support its structure....

- Chromatography
Term: chromatographyLiterally meaning : color writingOrigin: Anc Greek ?????*/chroma(=color)< probably derived from noun ????/hir(=hand) <??????/hripto(=touch or anoint)?????/grapho(=write) > ?????/gravo(=scrape, draw)Coined/Historyin 1903 by...

- Heterochromia
Term: heterochromiaOrigin: Anc Greek??????/heteros(=different, other)-??????/-chromia(=suffix meaning coloration) > ?????/chroma(=color)<probably derived from ????/hir(=hand) <??????/hripto(=touch or anoint) literally meaning ?different coloration?Coined(?)Definition:...

