

Term: carcinoma

Anc Greek ????????/carkinos(=crab) + ???/oma(=suffix denoting mass growth)

???????? > ???????+???? (= hard+move)

Coined: by Hippocrates (ca. 460 BC ? ca. 370 BC) who noted similarity of crabs to some tumors and especially he used the Greek words carcinos" and "carcinoma" to refer to chronic ulcers and ???????/"squirr(h)e(=cobblestone ) to refer to a type of epithelium  cancer with a hard consistency. Celsus(ca25?C-ca50) used the Greek term ?????????/"cacoethes(bad+ character)  to refer to early-stage tumours. Galien (130-200) used the Greek term "oncos" to refer to a tumour that looked malignant using also the term carkinona and cancer for breast cancer as "the swollen veins surrounding a tumour resembled a crab?s limbs".

A carcinoma is type of malignant tumor consisting of transformed epithelial cells.

- Intro To Cancer
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- Angiomyxoma
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- Oncology
Term: oncologyOrigin: Anc Greek ?????/ogos(=bulk, volume) +-?????/-logia(=study of)>?????/logos(=speech, study of) Coined: Galien (130-200) used the Greek term "oncos" to refer to a growth or a tumour that looked malignant using also the term carkinona...

- Sarcoma
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- Cancer: Types, Causes, Diagnosis And Treatment
CANCER ·   Cancer is an abnormal and uncontrolled multiplication of cells resulting in the formation of tumor.·   Normal cells show a contact inhibition (contact with the other cells inhibits their uncontrolled growth)....

