Botanical names of 4000 plants -14

Botanical names of 4000 plants -14

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Common name
Botanical name
1.           Nagar-motha
Cyperus pertenuis
2.           Nandina
Nandina domestica
3.           Naranjilla
Solanum quitoense
4.           Nard
Valeriana jatamansi
5.           Nardostachys
Nardostachys jatamansi
6.           Narrow Leaf
Crowea angustifolia var. dentata
7.           Narrow Leaved Canthium
Canthium angustifolium
8.           Nasturtium
Tropaeolum majus
9.           Natal Plum
Carissa grandiflora
10.        Neapolitan Santolina
Santolina neapolitana
11.        Needlegrass
Stipa capillata
12.        Needles, Spanish
Bidens bipinnata
Bidens pinnata
13.        Neem Tree
Azadirachta indica
14.        Nepitella
Calamintha nepeta
15.        Neptunica
Neptunica oleracea
16.        Nettle, Greater
Urtica dioica
17.        Nettle, Lesser
Urtica urens
18.        Nettle-leaved Goosefoot
Chenopodium murale
19.        New England Aster
Aster novae-angliae
20.        New Holland Nutmeg
Atherosperma moschata
21.        N'gai Camphor
Blumea balcamferi
22.        Nigella, Yellow
Nigella orientalis
23.        Night Jasmine
Cestrum nocturnum
24.        Night Jasmine, Indian
Nycthanthes arborthristis
25.        Night-scented Lily
Alocasia odora
26.        Nightshade, Black
Solanum nigrum
27.        Nightshade, Tobacco
Solanum erianthum
28.        Nightshade, Woody
Solanum dulcamara
29.        Nikko fir
Abies homolepis
30.        Nikko Maple USA
Acer nikoense
31.        Nilgirianthus
Nilgirianthus ciliatus
32.        Nitre-bush
Nitraria schoberi
33.        Noble Fir
Abies procera
34.        Nodding anemone
Anemone cernua
Anemone pulsatilla var. chinensis
35.        Nodding Pink Onion
Allium cernuum
36.        None So Pretty
Silene armeria
37.        Norfolk Island Hibiscus
Lagunaria patersonii
38.        Nori
Porphyra tenera
Porphyra yezoensis
39.        Northern rice root
Fritillaria camschatcensis
40.        Northwestern twayblade
Listera caulina
41.        Nutmeg
Myristica fragrans
Myristica moschata
42.        Nutmeg, Californian
Sorreya californica
43.        Nutmeg, Jamaica
Monodora myristica
44.        Nuttall
Stylophorum diphyllum

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- Botanical Names Of 4000 Plants -15
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- Botanical Names Of 4000 Plants -19
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- Botanical Names Of 4000 Plants -12
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z COMMON NAME TO BOTANICAL NAMEL Common name Botanical name 1.           Lablab Lablab vulgaris 2.          ...

- Botanical Names Of 4000 Plants -11
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z COMMON NAME TO BOTANICAL NAME K Common name Botanical name 1.           Kadambu Anthocephalus cadamba Anthocephalus chinensis 2.          ...

- Botanical Names Of 4000 Plants -5
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z COMMON NAME TO BOTANICAL NAME E Common name Botanical name 1.           Eagle Tree Datura sanguinea 2.          ...

