Term: bio-
Origin: Anc Greek
????/vios(=life) > ???/via(=rush)
Coined: -
Meaning: combining form meaning "life"
Runon derivatives : biology, biophysics, endosymbiosis
Term: endosymbiosis Literally meaning: " living together inside?Origin: Anc Greek????-/endo-(= compining form for ?inside?, ?internal?, ?within?)?????????/symbiosis(=living toghether)>???/syn(=together, with) + ????/vios(=life) Coined/HistoryThree...
Term: biotechnologyOrigin: Anc Greek???-/vio(bio-, combining form for ?life?) > ???/via(=rush)+?????-/techno(=techno-, combining form for ?art? ?craft? ?method? > ????? (verb)/ticto (=give birth, produce)+?????/logia(=logy, suffix...
Term: abiogenesisOrigin: Anc Greek ?-/a (privative, ?non?) ????/vios(=life) > ???/via(=rush)+???????/genesis(=origin)?????/ genea(=generation) > ?????/geno (=birth to) life from non-life CoinedLouis Pasteur abolished the theory of spontaneous generation...
Term: biopsy Origin: Anc Greek ????/bios(=life) + ????/opsis(=face, sight, look) as with biopsy we can have a look at life through a small sample Coined By French dermatologist Ernest Besnier (1831-1909) who coined the term and the technique of biopsy....
Psyche And Combining Form Psycho-
Term: psyche and combining form psycho- Origin: Anc Greek ????/psixhi > ????/psicho (= blow, breath). A psyche in Greek mythology means a butterfly Coined: - Definition: the soul, spirit, breath, life. The ability of a human being for thoughts,...