Animal Kingdom: Model Questions

Animal Kingdom: Model Questions

Animal Kingdom: Model Questions

1.       An animal shows the following characters:
·      Body is dorso-ventrally flattened
·      Parenchyma cells are found between the body wall and alimentary canal
·      Flame cells are present
·      Body is unsegmented and bilaterally symmetrical.
a.                    Name the phylum of this animal.
b.                   Give an example.
2.       Give reasons for the following statements
a.     Saliva of Leech contains an enzyme hirudin.
b.    Sponges were earlier considered as lifeless organisms
c.     All vertebrates are chordates but all chordates are not vertebrates
d.    Shark has to swim continuously, otherwise it will sink down.
e.     Annelids show metamerism.
f.      Tapeworm has numerous segments, but it is not included under annelid.
g.     Arthropods are the most successful invertebrates.
h.    Birds have pneumatic bone
i.      Birds have single ovary and a single oviduct unlike other vertebrates.
j.      Body of Endoparasites is covered with cuticle. 
3.       Find out the corresponding phylum with an example from the following general characters
a.     They are multicellular with a tissue grade of organisation, all are aquatic, radially symmetrical, diploblastic and mouth is encircled by finger like tentacles.
b.    They are bilaterally symmetrical, vermiform animals, triploblastic, exhibit metamerism
c.     They are exclusively marine, triploblastic, spines on the skin and radially symmetrical in the adult and bilaterally symmetrical in the larval stage.
4.       Match the following related things from B and C with column A
Common name
Scientific name
Jelly fish
Sea urchin
5.       Phylum Arthropoda is the largest phylum in animal kingdom. It includes more than ¾ of the total species in the biosphere. They are the most successful animals in the world.
a.        Mention any 2 reasons that make the arthropods more successful group of animals.
b.       Name two economically important arthropods.
c.        List the various types of respiratory structures present in arthropods.
d.       Name a pest in arthropoda.
6.       Apply the scientific terms for the following statements.
a.        Egg lying animals
b.       Cold blooded animals
c.        Blood filled cavity in arthropods
d.       Winter sleep of an animal
7.       Characteristics of three animals are given

Epidermis covered with
External (In water)
Embryo develops in
a.        To which group of animals does each of these belong?
b.       Which of these animals is most likely to have gills at certain stage of its life cycle?
c.        Name one animal for each group that may fulfill these characteristics. 
8.       Note the relation between first two words and suggest a suitable word for the fourth place
a.        Annelida        :               Nephridia                                              Planaria                 : ????????.
b.       Platyhelminthes : Acoelomates                                               Pseudocoelomate : ????????.
c.        Fish                                :               Gills                                                       Insects                   : ????????.
d.       Porifera         :               Spongocoel                                           Cnidaria : ????????.
e.        Jaw present   :               Gnathostomata                                    Jaw absent            : ????????.
f.         Man                :               Bilaterally symmetrical                    Starfish                  :????????..
g.        Osteichthyes:               Homocercal                                          Chondrichthyes   :????????..
9.       Odd man out and give reason
a.        Flying fish, Sea horse, Hag fish, Angel fish
b.       Ascaris, Wuchereria, Ancylostoma, Limulus
c.        Earthworm, hookworm, roundworm, filarial worm
d.       Porifera, Coelenterata, chordata, annelida
e.        Jellyfish, silverfish, starfish, cuttlefish
f.         Wings, air bladder, oviparous, absence of urinary bladder
10.       Read the following general characters of living organisms and find out the corresponding phylum and give one example for each group.
a.        Bilaterally symmetrical, triploblastic organisms with jointed appendages and the body is covered by Chitinous cuticle
b.       All are marine with organ system level of organization. Adults are radially symmetrical, but larvae are bilaterally symmetrical, shows water vascular system
c.        Triploblastic, bilaterally symmetrical, Coelomate. Body is cylindrical with proboscis, collar and trunk.
11.       Birds are adapted for aerial life
a.        Write four adaptations found in birds
b.       Name two flightless birds
12.       Which is not correct feature about Phylum chordata?
Presence of notochord
Presence of dorsal heart
Absence of double ventral nerve cord,
Presence of endoskeleton and exoskeleton.
13.       Observe the diagram and answer the following

a.        Name the phylum in which the above phenomenon is seen
b.       Identify the two forms
c.        Mention any two differences between them
                d.     Of these, which is more advanced? Give reason.

More possible pictures to identify for examination: Cnidoblasts, polyp, medusa, Coelom, tails of bony and cartilaginous fishes, basic plan of chordate, Lower animals 

14.   Complete the given flow chart showing the flow of water through canal system in sponges

15.       Match the following
Spiny skinned animals
Annulus or little rings
Joint footed animals
Soft bodied animals

16.       Pick out the appropriate one from the terms given within bracket and put them against the corresponding phyla.
a.   Porifera
b.   Coelenterata
c.   Mollusca
d.  Platyhelminthes
e.   Annelida
f.    Echinodermata
(Flame cells, hirudin, Choanocytes, Diploblastic, ossicles, radula)
17.       During class room discussion a student said that sponges are more complex than cnidarians. Do you agree with him? Justify.
18.       What are the difficulties that you would face in classification of animals, if common fundamental features are not taken into account? (NCERT)
19.       If you are given a specimen, what are the steps that you would follow to classify it? (NCERT)
20.       The following animals have different habit and habitat. But they have some common characters.
Locust, Prawn, Butterfly, Spider.
a.        Mention the common characters
b.       Identify their phylum.
21.       Which is true about arthropods?
a.        Haemocoel absent
b.       Segmented body
c.        Radially symmetrical
d.       Closed circulation
22.       Copy  and complete the table
Grade of organisation
Germ layers
23.       Mention the single word
a.        Blood filled Coelom
b.       Body wall with 2 layers
c.        Series of changes by which a larva becomes an adult.
d.       Occurrence of 2 or more forms
e.        Periodical removal of exoskeleton.
24.       Study the following facts by connecting with the features of tetrapoda and answer the following
·   Aq. larval life & terr. adult life
·   Mammary glands
·   Poikilotherms
·   Bear limbs
·   Presence of feathers
·   Oviparous
·   Heterodont dentition
·   Caudal fin
·   Skin with hair
·   Heart is 4-chambered
·   Bony endoskeleton
·   Heterocercal caudal fin
·   Pneumatic bone
·   Operculum
·   Notochord present
a.        Select the common features of all tetrapods
b.       Select the unique features of different tetrapods
c.     Mention the features which are not suitable for tetrapods

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