

Term: adenoid or pharyngeal tonsils

Origin: Anc Greek  ????/aden(=gland, tube) + -?????/eidos(=form, type) ---> gland-like

Coined: by the Danish physician Wilhelm Meyer (1824-1895) in Copenhagen in 1868 who also performed adenoidectomy

The adenoids are masses of lymphoid tissue in the back of the nose (nasopharynx).

- Angiogram
Term: angiogramLiterally meaning: ?the record or image of a vessel?Origin: Anc Greek??????/aggio (=vessel, receptacle) > ?????/aggos(=tube)+?????? /gramma(=letter) > ?????/grapho(=write)Coined/HistoryThis technique was first developed in the year...

- Rhinoplasty
Term: rhinoplastyLiterally meaning: ?nose forming? or ?nose molding?Origin: Anc Greek???/ris (=nose) >???/reo(=flow)+??????/plasso(=shape)Coined/History  Rhinoplasty was first performed by the ayurvedic physician Sushruda (ca 800BC) in ancient...

- Phenotype
Term: phenotypeLiterally meaning: ?visible type?Origin: Anc Greek?????/pheno(=appear, shine, present, show)+?????/typos(=type, shape, appearance) > ?????/typto(=hit, stamp)Coined/HistoryIn 1905 by the Danish botanist Wilhelm Johannsen 1857-1927) who...

- Genotype
Term: genotypeLiterally meaning: ?genome type?Origin: Anc Greek?????/ genea(=generation) > ?????/geno (=birth to) >+?????/typos(=type, form, shape, appearance) > ?????/typto(=hit, stamp)Coined/HistoryIn 1905 by the Danish botanist Wilhelm Johannsen...

- Thyroid
Term: thyroidOrigin: Anc Greek ??????/thireos(=shield) + ?????/idos(=form). The shield name "??????" derived from ????/thyra(=door) because of its oblong shape resembling to door. The aspis and the thureos were the shields...

